A Threefold Cord

Ecclesiastes is a remarkable book written by Solomon. This post isn’t about the book, just one verse from it but if you ever want to study wisdom in the bible this is a great place to do it. In chapter 4 verse 12 this is an amazing line, “a threefold cord is not quickly broken”. This line appears just after a section on how two are better than one because they can help each other in they fall or can keep each other warm and then suddenly, the writer says something about three. Why three when he’s been talking about two? The application that I like to take from this scripture is what I see as an ideal marriage, man and wife in unity with God.

It seems unbelievable to me that Bronwyn and I have been married almost 20 years. Even typing it and seeing it on the screen doesn’t make it seem any less possible. In that time, we have had seasons of this threefold cord, seasons where we were diligent about praying together and for each other. Seasons where we actively pursued God together and His perfect will for our lives. However, there have also been times we have not done that, we have not made God the priority in our marriage and chose to be lazy in our faith or even ignore it all together. Two years ago, we were doing just fine, we were in our careers and mostly honestly very happy, but we were not living out the threefold cord.  There was something missing. I honestly don’t even remember exactly how it started but God was stirring in us to seek Him. And not just to seek Him but to seek Him together.

It didn’t happen overnight but by March of 2017 I had started a new prayer journal and we had started praying together and reading God’s word together and most importantly really seeking God’s will together. It was during this time of seeking God that Bronwyn came across the post that ended up bringing us to Kenya. It’s honestly difficult to believe that was two years ago but we are continuing to be diligent about seeking God not only personally but together. Praying together and working through the bible together. If you are reading this and you are married I can not urge you enough to be praying with your husband or wife and if they won’t do it pray for them everyday until God breaks through to them.

Threefold cords are very strong! I’ve had them support me while I was hanging off a mountain, I’ve seen them bind huge bales of hay together, I’ve tied boats to shore and trusted them to keep my pants from falling down. But ultimately it is imperative that as a Christian couple you are seeking God together, strengthen with God and bound together by His love.

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