We Ready

A question we have gotten often since leaving Kenya has been, “where are you going next?” Well the answer to that question may finally be becoming clear. However, this isn’t the blog post where you get to hear about it. Hopefully that can all be revealed soon. This is the blog post where I catch you up a little bit on our escapades. Bronwyn and I moved out of our house in Nairobi and to camp outside Nairobi in May. We put most everything we needed in suitcases and what we didn’t need in tubs. In that time, we have slept in over a dozen beds in four states and two countries and been hosted by nine different people and stayed in a cabin, a tent, and three hotels. We have driven five vehicles and been hosted to I don’t remember how many meals. Neither one of us are very high maintenance and can be satisfied with very little, however the last few weeks a recurring theme between the two of us has been, “we are ready”. First, we are ready for God to reveal what is next for us. We said at the very beginning of this we were ready to walk by faith and not by sight and trying to live out 2 Corinthians 5:7. But we are also ready for some other things, and saying these things out loud make us seem a little worldly and I guess because of it we are. I think we are both ready to come home, that is come to our home. We have both caught ourselves referring to wherever we happen to be staying as “home”. The second thing, and this gets a little specific, we are so ready to take our clothes and hang them in our closet instead of putting them back in a suitcase. We are ready to put our food in our fridge, drink from our glasses that we wash in our sink and sleep in our bed. I feel like we are better equipped for this kind of nomadic lifestyle than most but I think we are both really ready.

Now don’t hear me wrong, we have been unbelievably grateful for all the hospitality we have received from so many amazing people and Bronwyn’s parents for being our hub and where what little stuff we own is housed. One thing we definitely learned in Kenya was how to host well and how to show hospitality. Because of that, I hope we have learned how to also be good guests. We have certainly had a crash course in it. But we are ready, we are so ready. We love to travel but if we don’t have to put anything in a suitcase again for some time that would be great. However, as ready as we may be the time hasn’t arrived just yet. We have at least one and possibly two more trips ahead of us. God knows what He is doing, and I know He is teaching us something in this, if nothing else it’s patience. You can’t pray God’s timing and then expect you own. But that doesn’t change the fact that we are ready. We would seriously appreciate your prayers as it looks like we are getting to the end of our journey and about to start our new ministry, but we can’t be completely sure yet. God will speak soon; He will make His perfect will known and once that happens, I promise we will announce it. You’ll probably hear us as we sigh and slink into “our” chairs for the first time in over half a year.




On one last note, Bronwyn and I have been unbelievably blessed  by generosity of old friends and new. Most of our trips cost us very little. Honestly, it’s been amazing to see how God has not only provided but blessed. Thanks for reading and look for a big announcement soon.

3 thoughts on “We Ready

  1. Brett and Bronwyn- I hope your plans are coming into focus. But if not, I have a room y’all could occupy while you’re waiting. I just wanted to throw that out there. It’s small and I have no extra vehicle but it’s my two pieces of fish to contribute if you’d like to explore Phoenix for a bit. It’s the perfect time of year for here. Gorgeous weather.

    I still have the same number (901)428-5511

    Take care!


    Sent from my iPhone



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